Rule number 1!
Instructors are always right, even when we are wrong!
2. Students must not smoke, swear, chew, spit, or commit any other act likely to offend the etiquette of the Dojo.
3. Members must not use their skill outside the Dojo unless in defence of their physical wellbeing. They must always restrain themselves to minimum usage in such situations.
4. Adhere to the policies on equal opportunities, racial, sexual and disability discrimination and Child Protection.
5. Report any accidents immediately to the Chief Instructor or Senior Instructor.
6. Help to keep the Dojo as safe to train in as possible and report any obvious hazards to the Chief Instructor.
7. Make sure you are aware of the Fire Safety precautions and Exits.
8. Bow on entering and leaving the Dojo.
9. Address any instructor or Black belt as ‘Sensei’ whilst in the Dojo. Senior kyu grades (1st kyu) may be referred to as “Sempei”.
10. ‘Oss’ is a sign of respect and is used generally in Karate especially in the following situations:
- Upon receiving any advice or command from the instructor, the student must
- reply by answering ‘Oss’ or ‘Hai’.
- When bowing at the start and finish of the class.
- When bowing to your partner during Kumite.
- In any other appropriate situation, for instance during gradings or
- competitions.
11. Train at least twice a week whenever possible.
12. No one is to leave the class without first obtaining permission from an instructor.
13. Any member arriving late must take up a kneeling position at the entrance of the Dojo and await permission from the instructor before joining the class.
14. Finger and toe nails must be kept clean and short.
15. Gi’s must be kept clean and in good condition.
16. Jewellery (rings, bracelets, neck chains, etc.) must not be worn during training. If you can’t get a ring off then tape must be wrapped around it.
17. The sensei has the right to refuse anybody entry to the dojo.
18. If you need to tidy your suit or retie your belt during the class then you should face away from the class and go down onto one knee. When you have finished you should reface the Sensei and bow to re-join.
19. Do not walk through a class, please walk around.
20. All jewellery or watches shall be removed while training. If you can’t because of religious or other reasons then you must tape them over for yours and others safety.
21. Glasses and contact lens may be worn at your own risk or discretion.
22. Finger and toe nails to be kept short and clean and long hair should be tied back.
23. Show respect for all grades of students higher or lower than yourself.
24. Concentrate and listen and do not talk or mess around while you are being instructed.
25. Please remove outdoor footwear before walking onto the training floor.
26. Never intentionally try to hurt anyone in training. The emphasis is always on control.
27. If you have any injury or any medical condition or special need then let the Sensei know before the class.
22. Bring a drink with you (not fizzy) as you will get warm. Do not eat or chewing gum in the class.
23. Only use what you are taught if you are threaten or attacked.
24. Bullying or abusive behaviour inside or out of the Dojo will not be tolerated at any time and students are asked to report any issues immediately to the sensei teaching the class.
25. Parents of students are responsible for their children’s behaviour before and after the designated class start and finish times and are encouraged NOT to interfere during the class.
26. Any student or students that are persistent in disobeying the rules or are causing a disturbance during a lesson will in the first instance be given one warning and after that they may be asked to leave the class. In extreme cases they will have their licence terminated and their association membership revoked with no refund of monies paid.
27. Please note: – While we encourage all students to practice out-side of the club, but we would advise younger students not to show off what you have learnt at school or on younger brothers or sisters, as this some-times can lead to unwanted confrontations or injures.
28. This list is not exhaustive and common sense must be used by all students at all times. You will always be held accountable for your own actions.